Hyper Geometric Distribution

Hypergeometric Distribution: A Key Tool for Probability and Statistics in Data Analysis

The Hypergeometric Distribution is a probability distribution that describes the number of successes in a fixed number of trials without replacement. It is used in a variety of fields such as statistical quality control, genetics, and sampling. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Hypergeometric 
Hyper Geometric Distribution

Distribution, including its definition, applications, and an example of how it can be used to calculate probabilities. Understanding the properties and applications of this distribution can help you gain valuable insights into the underlying processes that generate data. This is an essential article for anyone interested in probability, statistics, or data analysis.

This article cover all these:
  • "Understanding the Hypergeometric Distribution: Applications and Example in Probability and Data Analysis"
  • "Unleashing the Power of Hypergeometric Distribution: A Comprehensive Guide for Data Analysis"
  • "Hypergeometric Distribution: A Key Tool for Probability and Statistics in Data Analysis"
  • "Hypergeometric Distribution: A Complete Overview for Understanding Successes in Trials without Replacement"
  • "Hypergeometric Distribution: Unlocking the Secrets of Success in Statistical Quality Control, Genetics, and Sampling"


The Hypergeometric Distribution is a probability distribution that describes the number of successes in a fixed number of trials without replacement. It is used in a variety of fields such as statistical quality control, genetics, and sampling.

Defining the Hypergeometric Distribution

The Hypergeometric Distribution can be defined by the following parameters:

N: The total number of items in the population
K: The number of items in the population that are classified as successes
n: The number of items that are randomly selected from the population
k: The number of successes that are observed in the sample of n items
The probability of observing k successes in a sample of n items is given by the following formula:

P(X = k) = (C(K, k) * C(N-K, n-k)) / C(N, n)

Where C(a,b) represents the combination of a items taken b at a time.

Applications of the Hypergeometric Distribution

Statistical Quality Control: The Hypergeometric Distribution is often used to evaluate the quality of a manufacturing process by sampling items from the production line and counting the number of defective items.

Genetics: The Hypergeometric Distribution is used in genetics to calculate the probability of observing a certain combination of alleles in a sample of individuals.

Sampling: The Hypergeometric Distribution is used in sampling to calculate the probability of observing a certain number of successes in a sample of items taken from a population.

Example of Hypergeometric Distribution

Suppose we have a population of 10 items, of which 6 are classified as successes. We randomly select 4 items from the population, what is the probability of observing 2 successes in the sample?

Using the formula for the Hypergeometric Distribution, we can calculate the probability as follows:

P(X = 2) = (C(6, 2) * C(4, 2)) / C(10, 4) = (15 * 6) / 210 = 0.214


The Hypergeometric Distribution is a powerful tool for analyzing data and making predictions in a variety of fields. By understanding the properties and applications of this distribution, one can gain valuable insights into the underlying processes that generate the data.
tip to note

It's important to note that this distribution is only applicable when the sample is taken without replacement and the sample size is relatively small compared to the population. In cases where the sample size is large or replacement is allowed, the binomial distribution would be more appropriate.

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