Top 10 Facts about Computer

Top 10 Fascinating Facts About Computers: From ENIAC to Modern Day Technology

This article delves into the top 10 facts about computers, covering the history of their invention and development, as well as their current capabilities and impact on society. From the first computer, the "Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer" (ENIAC) to the modern computers that can fit in the palm of your hand and run on battery power, this article covers the evolution of computers. It also covers the different components of a computer, such as the central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), hard disk drives (HDD), and solid-state drives (SSD). 

Additionally, it talks about the different types of software that run on computers, such as operating systems, applications, and programming languages, and the impact of computer networking and the internet on society. It also covers the impact of computers on society, such as its effect on productivity, communication and entertainment, privacy and security concerns and the potential impact of Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Overall, this article is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in learning about the history and current state of computers.

Top 10 Facts about Computer

Top 10 Facts about Computers

  1. The first computer was called the "Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer" (ENIAC) and was invented in 1945 by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert.
  2. The first computers were huge, taking up entire rooms and consuming a lot of electricity. Today, computers can fit in the palm of your hand and run on battery power.
  3. The first computers were only able to perform simple mathematical calculations. Today, computers can perform a wide range of tasks, such as playing music and videos, running complex software, and connecting to the internet.
  4. The first computers used vacuum tubes to process information. Today, computers use transistors, which are much smaller and more efficient.
  5. The first computers were programmed using machine language, which is a string of binary code (1s and 0s) that the computer can understand. Today, computers can be programmed using high-level languages such as Python and Java, which are much easier for humans to read and write.
  6. The first computers had very little storage capacity. Today, computers have massive storage capacity, with some hard drives being able to hold over 10 terabytes of data.
  7. The first computers were not connected to networks. Today, computers can be connected to networks, such as the internet, allowing them to share information and resources with other computers.
  8. The first personal computers were introduced in the 1970s by companies such as Apple and IBM. Today, personal computers are widely available and used by people of all ages for a variety of tasks.
  9. The first computers were not able to display images or video. Today, computers have advanced graphics capabilities, allowing them to display high-quality images and videos.
  10. The first computers were operated by trained professionals. Today, computers are user-friendly and can be operated by people with little or no technical training.

Computer Hardware

  • The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer, responsible for performing calculations and making decisions.
  • Random access memory (RAM) is a type of computer memory that allows the computer to quickly access and use data.
  • Hard disk drives (HDD) and solid-state drives (SSD) are types of storage devices used to store data on a computer.
  • Input devices, such as a keyboard and mouse, allow the user to interact with the computer.
  • Output devices, such as a monitor and speakers, allow the computer to display and play information.

Computer Software

  • Operating systems, such as Windows and MacOS, are software that manage the hardware and software resources of a computer.
  • Applications, or "apps," are software programs designed to perform specific tasks, such as word processing or playing games.
  • System software, such as drivers and utilities, are programs that help the operating system and applications run smoothly.
  • Programming languages, such as Python and Java, are used to write software programs.
  • Security software, such as antivirus and firewalls, are used to protect the computer from viruses and other malicious software.

Computer Networking

  • Local area networks (LANs) are networks that connect computers in a small geographic area, such as a home or office.
  • Wide area networks (WANs) are networks that connect computers in a large geographic area, such as a city or country.
  • The internet is a global network of computers that allows users to share information and resources.
  • Wireless networking allows computers to connect to a network without the use of physical cables. This can include Wi-Fi, which allows for wireless internet access, and Bluetooth, which allows for wireless communication between devices such as smartphones and laptops.
  • Virtual private networks (VPNs) allow users to securely access a remote network, such as a company's network from outside the office, by creating a private and encrypted connection over the internet.

Computer Impact on Society

  • The widespread use of computers has greatly increased productivity in many industries, allowing for more efficient and accurate data processing and analysis.
  • The internet has changed the way we communicate and access information, making it easier to stay connected with people and access a vast amount of knowledge from anywhere in the world.
  • Computers have also revolutionized the way we entertain ourselves, with the rise of online gaming and streaming services.
  • The increasing use of computers in daily life has led to concerns about privacy and security, as well as addiction and the negative effects of prolonged screen time.
  • The advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to greatly impact society in a variety of fields, from healthcare to transportation.


Computers have come a long way since their invention in the 1940s. They have become smaller, faster, and more powerful, and are now an integral part of daily life for many people. From the first computers that could only perform simple calculations, to the advanced machines of today that can connect to the internet, run complex software and even learn by themselves. 

The advancements in computer technology have greatly impacted society, revolutionizing industries and changing the way we live and work. However, it's also important to be aware of the potential negative effects and take steps to protect ourselves from the same. It's exciting to think about what the future of computers might hold and the ways in which they will continue to shape our world.

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